Oleg Ovcharenko is a PhD candidate in Earth Science & Engineering. Oleg holds a Master degree in Physics from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2014, and a Master degree in Exploration Geophysics from the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Paris VII), in 2015. Throughout his PhD studies, Oleg focuses his research on machine learning applications for inverse problems in exploration geophysics. In particular, low-frequency data extrapolation from shot gathers, microseismic source mechanism inversion and realistic random velocity model generation. The ongoing project Oleg is participating is "Artificially Intelligent seismic Full-Waveform Inversion"


Perfect place to focus on research. Great faculty, great facilities, sunny weather, and the Red Sea.

Why machine learning in exploration geophysics?

The data-driven vision opens vast research opportunities in geophysics, where tremendous amounts of data were acquired over the decades.

Education Profile

  • Master degree in Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2014.
  • Master degree in Exploration Geophysics, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Paris VII), 2015.