KAUST presents sustainability science to the world

KAUST President Tony Chan was accompanied by KAUST faculty members Peiying Hong, Mohammed Eddaoudi and Derya Baran.

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) recently led a session of the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Meeting of the New Champions in Dalian, China.

KAUST President Tony Chan was accompanied by KAUST faculty members Peiying Hong, Mohammed Eddaoudi and Derya Baran. This year’s edition of the annual event was held under the banner “Leadership 4.0: Succeeding in a New Era of Globalization.”

Chan inaugurated the IdeasLab session — a first for the Kingdom. The session, titled “Fast-Tracking Green Technology,” featured the innovative work of KAUST researchers including water reuse technologies, carbon sequestration and transparent solar panels embedded in windows.

Chan described KAUST as a new, innovative hub for global research and education, before introducing the session’s three academic presenters.

Peiying Hong, associate professor of environmental science and engineering at KAUST, focused on her work on water reuse and used a famous quote of environmental scientist Dr. Jonathan Foley: “When we think about threats to the environment, we tend to picture cars and smokestacks, not dinner. But the truth is, our need for food poses one of the biggest dangers to the planet.”

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