Abstract: Wide area environmental monitoring is currently carried out with expensive and energy hungry remote sensing devices (satellites, radar, etc…) which offer low spatial resolution. As such there is a need for low-cost wide-range sensing devices that can be deployed in large numbers on a continuous or on-demand basis in order to obtain cheap and very high resolution monitoring. In addition, self-sustainable energy harvesting is a critical issue to be solved for these deployed sensor nodes since they will operate in a wide variety of environments.

Investigator Roles
Design and simulation of distributed sensing and decision making algorithms
Design and performance evaluation of RF energy-harvesting and wireless communication between sensing nodes
Development of location-aware communication systems
Design and fabrication of new batteries with low leakage current

Michael Strano


Nanosensor integration to the multi-source energy harvesting sensor nodes



Publications: 36
Conferences: 22
Patent Disclosure: Multiple but finite number unknown.
Patent Granted: 0
Licenses: 0
Start-Up: 1 under preparation
Other Notable Outputs/Impacts: Received Best Scientific Contribution Award at the International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, 4th place at the 2017 Microsoft Localization Competition. Best Paper Award.