Computer Vision, Core AI Research Group

Professor Mohamed Elhoseiny leads the so-called Vision-Cair research group, which stands for
Computer Vision, Core AI Research Group
Vision-CAIR stands for Computer Vision- Core Artificial Intelligence Research, where we cover Content and Creative AI research. We Vision-CAIR about AI. A few highlights of the research areas and the work we do in our lab.
- Video on Creative Fashion Generation at the high impact Facebook F8 Conference
- Imagination Inspired Vision (Presentation connecting Zero-Shot Learning and Creative AI; delivered in a variety of important venues).
- (Affective Language for Visual Art) at the intersection between Art and Language & Vision
- Video on United Nations Biodiversity Conference (10,000 Audience with tens of important organizations like UNESCO, WWF, etc)

I am looking for passionate AI researchers to join my group (multiple openings) at the beautiful KAUST campus on the red sea. In particular, I am looking for strong PhD/MS Students and Postdocs (fully funded) interested in working on Vision-CAIR. Interns and short-term visiting researchers are also welcome to reach out. I highly recommend reading Eric Feron's note on Ph.D. characterization.