Welcome to our upcoming visitors
We would like to welcome to Prof. Ioannis Kymissis and Lawrence L. Wald to the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
Prof. Ioannis Kymissis
John (Prof. Ioannis Kymissis) graduated with his SB, M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from MIT. His M.Eng. thesis was performed as a co-op at the IBM TJ Watson Research Lab on organic thin-film transistors, and his Ph.D. was obtained in the Microsystems Technology Lab at MIT working on field emission displays. After graduation, he spent three years as a post-doc in MIT's Laboratory for Organic Optics and Electronics working on a variety of organic electronic devices and as a consulting engineer for QDVision. He joined the faculty at Columbia University in Electrical Engineering in 2006 as an assistant professor. John has won a number of awards for his work, including the NSF CAREER award, the IEEE EDS Paul Rappaport Award, the Vodaphone Americas Foundation Wireless Innovation Award, the MIT Clean Energy Prize, The Verizon Powerful Answers Award, and several other foundations, corporations, and best paper awards. He is the editor in chief of the Journal of the Society for Information Display and was the general chair for the 2014 Device Research Conference. His EE Distinguished Lecture is scheduled on 15th February at noon in Bldg. 2, Level 5, Conference Room 5209 on "Electronics on anything: How Thin Film Electronics can Instrument the World".
Lawrence L. Wald
Ph.D. is the director of the Massachusetts General Hospital NMR Core imaging facility at the MGH Martinos Center and an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, the Charles, and Sara Fabrikant Research Scholar at MGH, and a member of the affiliated faculty of the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST). His research focuses on hardware and software methodology for improving brain MRI. His EE Distinguished Lecture is scheduled on 22nd February at noon in Bldg. 2, Level 5, Conference Room 5209 on "Introduction to the engineering principles behind MRI and areas of current work".