CEMSE student gets Best Paper Award at 2DFDU2016
CEMSE student Chun-Ho Lin won the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Symposium on Devices and Application of Two-dimensional Materials (2016), held in Shanghai on June 20, 2016.
Chun-Ho Lin won the Best Paper Award at the 2nd International Symposium on Devices and Application of Two-dimensional Materials (2016), held in Shanghai on June 20, 2016.
Chun-Ho finished his MS degree at the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Taiwan University and arrived at KAUST in 2014 to start a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Jr-Hao He, director of the Nano Energy Lab.
Chun Ho's research focuses on flexible paper photosensors based on 2D BN nanosheets. Up to now, conventional flexible devices made of paper and plastic substrates showed limitations due to their poor thermal conductivity.
The Best Paper Award was bestowed on Chun Ho for the development of a paper substrate with good detectivity (up to 8.05 *1010 cm Hz1/2/W), fast recovery time (down to 0.393 s), great thermal stability (146 W/m K, 3-order-of-magnitude larger than conventional flexible substrates), high working temperature, excellent flexibility and bending durability.
The material could open the path solving thermal problems of present photosensors and make possible flexible electronics for the internet of things.