EE Graduate Seminar | Hybrid perovskites: approaches towards green lasing
The high optical gain and absorption of organic-inorganic hybrid perovskites have attracted extensive research for photonic device applications. Using the bromide halide as an example, we present key approaches of our work towards realizing green lasing in hybrid perovskites. The approaches involved determination of optical constants for the hybrid perovskites thin films, understanding the material morphologies, fabrication of photonic nanostructures to reflect and manipulate light emission from the perovskite active media, and enhancing the emission property of the hybrid perovskites by using microcavity structure. Our results provide a platform for realization of hybrid perovskites based light-emitting devices for solid-state lighting and display applications.
Mohd Sharizal Alias is currently a Research Scientist at Photonics Laboratory in the CEMSE Division at KAUST. He received his PhD (Microengineering & Nanoelectronics) degree from the National University of Malaysia in 2010, and his MSc (Physics) and BSc (Physics) degrees from the University of Malaya in 2005 and 2000, respectively. His research focuses on the usage of nanophotonics to enhance light amplification and manipulation for optoelectronic devices. His other research interests include semiconductor lasers and micro-/nano-fabrication process.