Better connection for monitoring helps heart patients and healthcare staff
An innovative use of screen printing to assemble the key components of wet ECG electrodes enables remote monitoring at extended range and improves the experience for patients and healthcare staff.
Improved and lower cost electrodes for electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring of heart health have been developed using screen-printed wet sensors. These interact more gently with a patient’s skin than commercial electrodes, and can be used for remote monitoring by wireless communication with four times the range of existing technology.
ECG monitoring of heartbeat is the most immediate and frequently used procedure for assessing heart health and diagnosing problems. Existing electrodes that collect the electrical activity of the heart can cause skin irritation, especially if they need to be attached for extended times. The wires that carry the signals from conventional systems also obstruct movement and can restrict access by healthcare workers. Existing electrodes are also more expensive than the new type now developed by the KAUST IMPACT Lab.