I am currently a Post-Doctoral Researcher at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia. My research focuses on accelerating distributed Deep Neural Networks (DNN) training and inference. Before joining KAUST, I was a Doctoral Researcher at the CISTER Research Centre in Real-Time and Embedded Computing Systems in Porto, Portugal. There, I developed innovative routing heuristics and event-triggered techniques to enhance load balancing and performance guarantees in Ethernet-based ultra-low latency (uLL) networks.

I obtained my PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Porto, where my thesis focused on multi-level preemption in Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN). I also hold an MSc in Computer Science from the African University of Science and Technology in Abuja, Nigeria, and a BSc in Computer Science from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.

My professional experience includes roles as an Associate Consultant at Discovery Cycle Professionals in Nigeria, where I contributed to significant revenue enhancement projects and developed feasibility studies for digital systems. Additionally, I have experience as a Web Developer intern at Terragon Limited, where I developed mobile and web applications for publishers in Nigeria and Kenya.

My research interests include real-time and ultra-low latency communication, scalable and distributed architectures, network performance, and data management.