Welcome at Kaust UQ School On Numerical Methods For Direct And Inverse Problems 2016 22-28 May
KAUST UQ SCHOOL 2016 is an annual base thematic conference at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology held by Raul Tempone, Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences at CEMSE (Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering Division). Tempone’s interests in the mathematical foundation of computational science and engineering are reflected in this summer school. The school’s goal is to provide participants with an overview on the most recent research progress in the field of uncertainty quantification, with emphasis to
• Multi-Level and Multi-Index Sampling
• Bayesian Inverse Problems
• Markov Chain and Sequential Monte Carlo
• Data Assimilation and Filtering Techniques
• Low-Rank Approximation
The KAUST UQ SCHOOL on NUMERICAL METHODS FOR DIRECT and INVERSE PROBLEMS school will serve as a forum for facilitating the exchange of ideas and as a bridge between students and professors of international caliber.