SIAM CSE21 (VIRTUAL) - Minisymposium on HPC Response to the COVID19 Pandemic
This minisymposium brings together experts in numerical simulation that have developed HPC software tools toward a better understanding coronavirus and the global COVID19 pandemic. Their recent results highlight the importance of computational science as a guiding tool that helps in uncovering the structure and mechanics of the viral spread as well as drastically reduces the number of candidate treatments that need laborious laboratory testing. From transformative medical advances to drug discovery driven by massively parallel supercomputing, this minisymposium will span a range of practical approaches to the ongoing crisis.
SIAM CSE21 will run virtually with live sessions.
Registration is required to gain access to the online platform.
Please use your personal login information (sent by email) to join the online virtual platform (vFairs) and attend this exciting and timely minisymposium.
All times are listed in CST time zone (+9hrs in Arabic Standard Time).
Talks are 20min including 5min Q&A.
MS12 (PART I) - March 1st 2021: 9:45 AM - 11:25 AM
09:45am-10:05am Prof. Peter Coveney, University College London, United Kingdom: Covid-19, Supercomputing and the Transformation of Medicine (abstract, slides)
10:05am-10:25am Prof. Jeremy C. Smith, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA: Supercomputer-Based Ensemble Docking Drug Discovery Pipeline for Covid-19 (abstract, slides)
10:25am-10:45am Prof. Rick L. Stevens, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago, USA: HPC and AI Approaches to Developing Covid-19 Therapeutics (abstract, slides)
10:45am-11:05am Prof. Youssef Mesri, Mines ParisTech, France: A Multiscale Simulation of a Coronavirus Infecting a Cell (abstract, slides)
11:05am-11:25am Prof. Florent Duchaine, CERFACS, France: High-Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics for Virus Propagation in Closed Domains (abstract, slides)
MS78 (PART II) - March 1st 2021: 4:15 PM - 5:55 PM
04:15pm-04:35pm Prof. David Keyes, KAUST, Saudi Arabia: Supercomputing in the Pandemic Response (abstract, slides)
04:35pm-04:55pm Prof. Makoto Tsubokura, Kobe University, Japan: HPC for the Prediction and Countermeasures of Virus Droplet Infection in Indoor Environment on the Supercomputer “Fugaku” (abstract, slides)
04:55pm-05:15pm Prof. Andrey Kovalevsky, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA: How to Stop the Heart of a Virus: Prospects for the Design of Specific Inhibitors and Repurposing of Existing Clinical Drugs That Target SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease (abstract, slides)
05:15pm-05:35pm Prof. Daniel A. Jacobson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA: Confronting the Covid-19 Pandemic with HPC, Explainable-AI and Systems Biology (abstract, slides)
05:35pm-05:55pm Prof. Patricia Kovatch, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA: COVID Advances Powered by HPC (abstract, slides)