Introduction to hybrid dynamical systems: Part 1B
- Prof. Mohamed Djemai, University Polytechnique Hauts-de-France
This research is motivated not only because the control of some systems is implemented through the combination of continuous control laws with discrete switching logic but also because a wide range of physical and engineering systems exhibit hybrid behavior. Among the problems to be addressed, those of stabilization and observation are particularly important in order to always improve the efficiency of systems in terms of performance, lifetime and efficiency.
In recent years, new theoretical tools have been developed to describe complex systems more precisely, such as hybrid dynamical systems (HDS).
Many works ranging from modelling to stabilisation, or control and observation have focused on the study of this class of systems.
This research is motivated not only because the control of some systems is implemented through the combination of continuous control laws with discrete switching logic but also because a wide range of physical and engineering systems exhibit hybrid behavior. Among the problems to be addressed, those of stabilization and observation are particularly important in order to always improve the efficiency of systems in terms of performance, lifetime and efficiency...
The content of the course will be as follows:
Chap. 1: Introduction to Dynamical system (modelisation and examples)
Chap. 2: Discrete Event Systems (modelisation and examples)
Chap. 3: Hybrid systems (Why hybrid systems, Modeling and Classification of hybrid systems)
Chap. 4: Observation of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Chap. 5: Simulation of Hybrid Systems (Switched Systems)
Chap. 6: Introduction to time scale approach
Brief Biography
Mohamed Djemai is full professor (Classe Exceptionnelle) at the University Polytechnique Hauts-de-France France, since 2008 and INSA Hauts-de-France (National Institute of Applied Sciences).
He is at the LAMIH Laboratory, CNRS UMR-8201 (www.uphf.fr/LAMIH/). He received his PhD in Control Systems Engineering at the University Paris XI (www.u-psud.fr ) in January 1996.
He was Lecturer at CNAM-Paris and ENSI-Bourges and joined ENSEA (www.ensea.fr) as Associate Professor in 2000 to 2008 and was deputy director of ECS-Lab from 2006 to 2008.
His research interests concerns the control of nonlinear systems, hybrid systems with variable structure systems and sliding mode approach, time scale approach, fault detection with application to various industrial systems such as electrical systems, robotics and vehicles.
Prof. M. Djemai was visiting professor at Norhumbria University (UK) from 2010 to 2013. He published over 88 journal papers and more than 150 conference papers in his field of research and was the co-author of 03 books and 02 special issues.
Prof. Djemai supervised 18 PhD Students, and participated in several National (ANR) and European projects.
He was expert for the ANR -National Research Agency-(www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr), and for HCERES - High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education - (http://www.hceres.fr), and others organisms.