Introduction to AMCS / STAT Graduate Seminar 398
In this section, prof. Gabriel will be introducing the graduate seminar and its requirements.
In this week, prof. Gabriel will be introducing the graduate seminar and its requirements.
Brief Biography
Dr. Wittum studied Mathematics and Physics at the University of Karlsruhe (Diploma 1983) and got his PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Kiel (1987). At the University of Heidelberg he did his habilitation (1991) and got his first professorship in Numerical Analysis. He then was director of the Institute for Computer Applications at the University of Stuttgart (1994-98) and of the Simulation in Technology Center at the University of Heidelberg (1998-2008). In 2008 he moved to the University of Frankfurt as Director of the Gauss Center of Scientifc Computing (G-CSC). His scientifc interests are developing models, methods and software tools for the efficient detailed simulation of problems from the empirical sciences. In particular topics like fast solvers for large systems of equations, multiscale numerics and homogenisation, natural discretisation methods, inverse modelling and optimisation and the development of simulation software systems. He also works on numerical methods for high dimensional problems, numerical geometry and visualisation. His research contributes to Computational Medicine, Pharmacy and Neurosciences as well as Economics, Environmental Science and Energy Technology.