Finite element approximation of parameter dependent eigenvalue problems
Eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations are used to model several applications in science and engineering, ranging from vibrations of structures, industrial microwaves, photonic crystals, and waveguides, to particle accelerators.
Eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations are used to model several applications in science and engineering, ranging from vibrations of structures, industrial microwaves, photonic crystals, and waveguides, to particle accelerators.
Brief Biography
Daniele Boffi is a professor of numerical analysis who recently joined the KAUST Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CEMSE) Division. The distinguished professor, considered one of the world's leading experts on mixed finite elements and the approximation of eigenvalue problems arising from partial differential equations, joins KAUST having spent the past fourteen years working as a full professor in UniPV’s Department of Mathematics, Lombardy, Italy. Boffi received his Ph.D. in mathematics from UnIPV, with a thesis on “Mixed finite elements for the Stokes problem,” in 1996. During his time in Italy, he held the position of Director of Pavia’s Higher Education School, served on several academic committees, and as a member of the university's Academic Senate and Evaluation Committee.