Network Security, Internet Measurement and Threat Intelligence
In this talk, we will show how, through a large scale Internet measurement campaign, we have been able to experimentally validate a novel technique to automatically detect malicious webscrapers bots taking advantage of so called Residential IP proxy providers. That technique has then been deployed in a real world environment and enabled us, thanks to a novel geolocalization technique, to identify malicious actors hiding behind these infrastructures, leading to actionable threat intelligence for the victims.
In this talk, we will show how, through a large scale Internet measurement campaign, we have been able to experimentally validate a novel technique to automatically detect malicious webscrapers bots taking advantage of so called Residential IP proxy providers. That technique has then been deployed in a real world environment and enabled us, thanks to a novel geolocalization technique, to identify malicious actors hiding behind these infrastructures, leading to actionable threat intelligence for the victims.
Brief Biography
Marc Dacier is a full professor of Computer Science (CS) and the associate director of the Resilience Computing and Cybersecurity research Center (RC3) at King Abdullah University of Sciences and Technology, Saudi Arabia. Dr. Dacier obtained his Ph.D. from INPT in 1994 from his work done at LAAS, CNRS, in Toulouse (France). Since then, he has had a balanced career between industry and academia. After his thesis, he worked for one year as a security consultant in Paris, France, for France Telecom and the French ministry of interior. In 1996, he joined IBM Research in Zurich (Switzerland) to create the Global Security Analysis Laboratory (GSAL). In 2002, he became a professor at Eurecom. In 2008, he joined Symantec to build its European Research Labs. Later, he spent two years in the USA to manage all the collaborative research projects, worldwide. In that role, he was in charge of teams in France, Ireland, and in the United States. He was also the university relationship manager for Symantec Research Labs, worldwide. In 2014, he became the director of the cybersecurity research group at QCRI, in Qatar, where he lived for 3 years. In October 2017, Dr. Dacier came back to EURECOM to become the head of the Digital Security department and a full professor until June 2021 when he joined KAUST. An internationally recognized expert in cybersecurity, Dr. Dacier has served on more than 120 program committees of all major security and dependability conferences and as a member of the editorial board of several top-tier technical peer-reviewed journals.