Recent Advances in Infinity Laplacian Equations
The infinity Laplacian is a highly degenerate, nonlinear, second-order operator that arises in the study of optimal Lipschitz extensions and tug-of-war games, where two players alternately choose directions to move. In this presentation, we will provide a comprehensive motivation for key aspects of the infinity Laplacian and report on recent advances in the qualitative properties of its evolutionary counterpart.
Brief Biography
Aelson Sobral is a postdoctoral researcher in the Free Boundary and Interface Problems group, led by Prof. Miguel Urbano at KAUST. He earned his PhD in Mathematics from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil, before joining KAUST in September 2024. His research explores geometric frameworks to advance the regularity theory of fully nonlinear PDEs and Free Boundary Problems that are often born in phenomenon related to superconductivity and congested traffic dynamics.