Discrete Surfaces from Developable Strips
We will discuss several settings in which smooth developable strips are attached to each other or assembled in some other way to obtain surfaces with interesting geometric properties. Driven by the view towards applications we will investigate collections of strips which lie orthogonal or tangential to a reference surface and assume particular shapes. Such strips can serve as support structures or cladding panels of free-form shapes in architectural contexts. Our focus will lie on surfaces with a constant ratio of principal curvatures, cone nets, geodesic grid shells, and others.
We will discuss several settings in which smooth developable strips are attached to each other or assembled in some other way to obtain surfaces with interesting geometric properties. Driven by the view towards applications we will investigate collections of strips which lie orthogonal or tangential to a reference surface and assume particular shapes. Such strips can serve as support structures or cladding panels of free-form shapes in architectural contexts. Our focus will lie on surfaces with a constant ratio of principal curvatures, cone nets, geodesic grid shells, and others.
Brief Biography
Christian Müller is Associate Professor at TU Wien (Austria) and currently heading the Applied Geometry group there. He studied in Graz Mathematics and Geometry where he graduated with a PhD thesis on discrete minimal surfaces. In his work he addresses problems from discrete differential geometry, geometry processing and combinations thereof. He is involved in national and international third party funded research projects cycling around discretizations in geometry and computational design.