BBDS: A Privacy-preserving Blockchain-Based Data Sharing System
- Prof. Jin Li, Computer Science, Guangzhou University
B1 L4 R4214
Nowadays, the devices in the Internet of Things have been widely used. These devices generate a huge amount of sensitive data, which are susceptible to cyber attacks. In this talk, we introduce an efficient blockchain based approach with several computational models of physically unclonable functions (denoted by PUF model). The presented protocol aims to guarantee the authentication of the devices with fast verification process. Furthermore, the combination of Blockchain and PUF motivates us to propose an efficient protocol that guarantees data provenance and data integrity in IoT networks. The proposed protocol employs PUFs which provide unique hardware fingerprints to establish data provenance. Smart contracts based on blockchain provide decentralized digital ledger that prevent data tampering attacks.
Brief Biography
Jin Li is currently a professor and vice dean of School of Computer Science, Guangzhou University. He received his B.S. (2002) and M.S. (2004) from Southwest University and Sun Yat-sen University, both in Mathematics. He got his Ph.D degree in information security from Sun Yat-sen University at 2007. His research interests include design of secure protocols in Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing (secure cloud storage and outsourcing computation) and cryptographic protocols. He served as a senior research associate at Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (Korea) and Illinois Institute of Technology (U.S.A.) from 2008 to 2010, respectively. He has published more than 100 papers in international conferences and journals, including IEEE INFOCOM, IEEE TIFS, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TOC and ESORICS etc. His work has been cited more than 11000 times at Google Scholar and the H-Index is 40. He served as Associate editor for several international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Information Sciences.