PCCFD - Predictive Complex Computational Fluid Dynamics
The PCCFD workshop will focus on cutting-edge research in the field of algorithmic development for CFD and multi-scale complex flow simulations.
The PCCFD workshop will focus on cutting-edge research in the field of algorithmic development for CFD and multi-scale complex flow simulations. Fluid motion is governed by a system of nonlinear partial differential equations that can lead to dynamics over a vast range of scales. Although CFD is arguably the oldest area of computational science, it remains perhaps one of the most challenging and most active. Around the world, many research centers and labs, in the private sector, government, and academia are focused on developing and applying CFD algorithms. At KAUST, groups researching CFD algorithms in various contexts include those of Parsani, Ketcheson, Keyes, Samtaney, Im, Sun, Stenchikov, and others.