EE Seminar: AMMONO-GaN: ultimate substrate solution for energy saving GaN power electronics
Bulk gallium nitride (GaN) crystals are regarded as the most promising candidates for substrates for optoelectronic, high power and high frequency electronic devices. After dacedes of extensive research on a numer of methods incluging HNPS, HVPE and Flux - ammonothermal (AMMONO) method of bulk GaN growth offers the best combination of crystal quality and size, within foreseen scalability able to meet huge demands of lighting and power electronic markets. Developed as analogy of hydrothermal method commonly used for multi-ton production of synthetic quartz, AMMONO method currently provides 2-inch crystals of excellent structural properties and wide spectrum of electrical parameters.
Bulk gallium nitride (GaN) crystals are regarded as the most promising candidates for substrates for optoelectronic, high power and high frequency electronic devices. After dacedes of extensive research on a numer of methods incluging HNPS, HVPE and Flux - ammonothermal (AMMONO) method of bulk GaN growth offers the best combination of crystal quality and size, within foreseen scalability able to meet huge demands of lighting and power electronic markets. Developed as analogy of hydrothermal method commonly used for multi-ton production of synthetic quartz, AMMONO method currently provides 2-inch crystals of excellent structural properties and wide spectrum of electrical parameters. Low dislocation density (5x103 cm-2) substrates of high crystallinity (manifested by extremely flat crystal lattice and very narrow (FWHM=16 arcsec) X-ray rocking curves) enable to grow high quality, strain-free homoepitaxial layers and AlGaN/GaN heterostructures. That will translate on higher yield, higher operating voltage, lower noise level and longer life time of next generation electronic devices to be applied in solar, wind and other renewable energy sources.
Robert Dwiliński holds a Master's Degree and Ph.D. from the Faculty of Physics of Warsaw University. At the University performed projects concerning GaAs, SiC and III-nitrides. In 1999 the co-founder of AMMONO specialized in development and production of Gallium Nitride crystallized by its proprietary ammonothermal method. Since the beginning until 2013 the President (CEO) of this company, being the world leader of highest quality bulk GaN. AMMONO inventions and commercialization achievements enable ongoing breakthrough in optoelectronics (lasers and LEDs based on GaN) and electronics (fast and high power transistors). Since 2014 deputy director at CeNT UW (Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw). Concurrently, since 2015 director of UOTT (Technology Transfer Office at University of Warsaw).