Introduction to Computer Simulation - A short course II - Part 3

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Building 1, Level 3, Room 3119


The aim of this course is to familiarize the students with the usage of Computer Simulation tools for complex problems. The course will introduce the basic concepts of computation through modeling and simulation that are increasingly being used in industry and academia. The basic concepts of Discrete Event Simulation will be introduced along with the reliable methods of random variate generation and variance reduction. Later in the course, the concept of simulation-based optimization and output analysis will be discussed. The example of simulation (and optimization) applied to design an optimal organ allocation policy in the US will be discussed.

Brief Biography

Dr. Michal Mankowski is a computer scientist and operations researcher with an interest in healthcare with a focus on organ transplantation. He researches new models and policies to improve access to organ transplantation. His work contributes to organ allocation policy development and research in many countries, including the US, Poland, Saudi Arabia, and Brazil. Michal currently holds an Assistant Professor position at Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands. He earned a PhD in Computer Science from KAUST.

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