Qawam is a research-based startup from KAUST dedicated to improving people's health and well-being through innovative products and services. We use AI to improve posture, boost confidence, and enhance wellness for screen users. Our ergonomic solutions offer personalized feedback to encourage good habits, alleviate pain, and seamlessly integrate into daily life for increased productivity.
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Boost Your Confidence and Improve Your Health with Qawam's AI-Powered Posture Monitoring Solutions

  • Qawam is addressing the pervasive issue of poor posture resulting from the increasing use of screens in daily life. As people spend more time on computers, smartphones, and other digital devices, they often develop a slouched posture, which can lead to chronic pain, particularly in the back, neck, and shoulders. Poor posture is not just a physical issue; it can also affect the confidence and mental well-being of a total of 6.5 million office workers in Saudi Arabia.
  • By leveraging AI technology, Qawam aims to offer a seamless, user-friendly solution that integrates into daily routines to monitor and correct posture. The goal is to alleviate pain, enhance productivity by promoting a healthier sitting and standing posture, and ultimately foster the development of better habits. By providing personalized feedback, Qawam encourages users to make real-time adjustments to their posture, fostering long-term wellness and improving their quality of life.

Who suffers from this problem?

  • The problem of poor posture primarily affects individuals who spend significant amounts of time using screens, which is a large and growing portion of the population, including:
    • Office Workers (main current target): Individuals who work desk jobs often spend prolonged periods sitting in front of computers, which can lead to slouching and poor ergonomic practices.
    • Students: With the increased use of technology in education and the necessity for study, students are prone to developing bad posture from sitting at desks and using laptops or tablets for extended periods.
    • Remote Workers and Freelancers: The shift towards remote work and the gig economy means more people are working from home, often without an ergonomically set-up workspace, leading to potential posture issues.
    • Gamers (big market): Those who engage in long gaming sessions are at risk as they may maintain the same seated position for hours without proper ergonomic support.
    • Smartphone Users: The ubiquitous use of smartphones has led to a rise in 'text neck', a condition where people hunch over their phones, contributing to neck and shoulder pain.
    • Elderly Individuals: As the body ages, muscle strength and flexibility can decrease, making it more difficult to maintain good posture without conscious effort or support.
    • Individuals with Chronic Conditions: People with certain chronic conditions that affect muscles or bones, such as arthritis or scoliosis, may also struggle with maintaining proper posture.

Our Technology:

  • Our posture correction technology is designed to help users improve their posture and reduce the risk of back pain and related issues.
  • We use advanced machine learning and multiple sensors, including those on the iPhone and AirPods, to accurately track the user's posture in real-time and provide personalized feedback.
  • Our technology is continuously evolving to provide the most effective posture correction solutions for our users.

Qawam App:

An iOS-based mobile app with posture correction technology is designed to help users improve their posture and reduce the risk of back pain and related issues. We use advanced machine learning and multiple sensors, including those on the iPhone and AirPods, to accurately track the user's posture in real-time and provide personalized feedback. 

Download link

App Demo:


Other services we provide:

  • In addition to developing our own products, we offer machine learning and software/hardware development services to clients in various industries. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and develop solutions that are tailored to their specific requirements. Our experienced team of developers and designers uses the latest technology and cutting-edge research to deliver high-quality solutions to our clients.

What has been achieved so far:

  • Incorporated and legally registered company in Saudi with flawless operations
  • We have a working IOS App that can connect to our Qawam hardware 1.0 and 2.0 (and any compatible headphones: AirPods, ... )
  • 4 team members; 2 computer engineers and 1 electronics & communication engineer, 1 IOS developer
  • Working AI algorithm that can detect 4 sitting postures (Slouching, Hunching, Normal, and Text Neck)
  • We have a functional minimized chip (glasses, hair clip, etc.)
  • We are a research-based team coming from KUAST (ISL, and we work on other research projects; we have access to resources, labs, and a solid network
  • Top-tier Technical and business Advisors (Prof. Tareq Al-Naffouri, Dr. Ahmed Bader, Nidal Albasha (AWS), Omar Aloyoun)


  • NTDP applicant 2023 (link, Grant: 1.75 million SAR)
  • US Provisional Patent (link)
  • MISK Riseup "SPARK" 2022 (link, 25 chosen startups)
  • Digital Innovation Award 2022 (link, 2nd place out of 2600 applicants)
  • Amazon MENA Hackathon 2021 (link, 1st place winner)
  • MITEF Saudi Fourm Startup 2021
  • Approved by CITIC (Manassa Tech)


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