Arman Ibrayeva
- 2021.08 - Present Ph.D. Student, KAUST, KSA
- 2018.08 - 2020.07 M.S. in Mechanics, Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
- 2014.08 - 2018.07 B.S. in Mechanics, Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Professional Profile
- 2020.03 - 2021.11 Researcher, Institute of Mechanics and Machine Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, Kazakhstan
- 2019.06 - 2021.11 Engineer, KOLSAJ STROJ, Kazakhstan
- 2014.05 - 2015.05 Laboratory assistant, Fluid and Gas Mechanics Lab, Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Selected Publications
S. Ibrayev, N. Jamalov, A. Ibrayeva, G. Mukhambetkaliyeva "Optimal structural synthesis of agricultural legged robot with minimal damage on soil" E3S Web of Conferences, 135, 01027 (2019).
DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913501027 -
A. Ibrayev, A. Ibrayeva, D. Akhmedov "Development of Methods and Algorithms to Improve the Accuracy of Inertial Navigation and Global Positioning Systems for Vehicles" Indian Journal of Science and Technology 9, 44 (2016).
DOI: 10.17485/IJST/2016/V9I44/104705 -
A. Rakhmatulina, S. Ibrayev, N. Imanbayeva, A. Ibrayeva, N. Tolebayev "Kinematic and Kinetostatic Analysis of the Six-Link Straight-Line Generating Converting Mechanism of the Unbalanced Sucker Rod Pumper Drive" Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 108, 7 (2020).
DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.218551 -
S. Ibrayev, N. Jamalov, A. Tuleshov, A. Jomartov, A. Ibrayev, A. Kamal, A. Ibrayeva, K. Bissembayev "Walking Robot Leg Design Based on Translatory Straight-Line Generator" Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics and Control, 264-271 (2020).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58380-4_32
Areas of Expertise and Research Interests
- Robotics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Science
Science is a way to see the hidden beauty in the simplest things.