Hanan Alahmadi is a PhD candidate in Statistics at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), studying under the supervision of Professor Paula Moraga in her Geospatial Statistics and Health Surveillance Research Group.

Education Profile

  • M.Sc. Statistics, KAUST, 2021
  • B.Sc. Mathematics, Taibah University , 2017

Research Interest

  • Geospatial data analysis and health surveillance
  • Spatio-temporal disease data
  • Statistics and spatial epidemiology
  • Geospatial modeling
  • Disease mapping


Building 1, Al-Khawarizmi, 4th floor, 4212-WS12


Joint Quantile Disease Mapping with Application to Malaria and G6PD DeficiencyJoint Quantile Disease Mapping with Application to Malaria and G6PD DeficiencyRoyal Society Open Science · Jan 3, 2024