
Selected Publications

  • ​S.Kagita,A.Basu,S.K.Koul , "Electrically Tunable Ferrite Bandpass Filter in X-Band With Wide Tunability," in IEEE Transactions Magnetics, vol. 55, no. 7, pp. 1-4, July 2019.
  • S.Kagita,A.Basu,S.K.Koul," Characterization of LTCC based ferrite tape and its application to electrically tunable phase shifter and notch filter," IEEE.Transactions in Magnetics , vol.53 , issue 1, 2017.
  • S.Kagita,A.Basu,S.K.Koul,"Modeling of LTCC-Ferrite Tunable Inductors and Development of an L -Band Phase Shifter," IEEE.Trans.Magn,vol.51, no.10, pp.1-9, Oct. 2015.

Education Profile

  • ​​PhD , Topic : " Ferrite based RF components using LTCC Technology" , Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
  • MS , Specialization : "Electromagnetics , Antennas and Microwaves", Electrical Engineering Department, Arizona State University , Arizona
  • BTech , Department :" Electronics and Communications" , MGIT (JNTU) , Hyderabad.​

Professional Memberships

  • ​Research Associate, Barkhausen Institut (Affiliated to TU-DResden), Dresden, Germany
  • Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu
  • Assistant Professor, Bennett University, Greater Noida