Abdullah Hamdi
Abdullah Hamdi is a Ph.D. candidate in Image and Video Understanding Lab (IVUL) Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) under the supervision of Professor Bernard Ghanem.
Education and Early Career
In 2016, Abdullah Hamdi obtained his bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. After that, he joined KAUST to proceed in the same field of study and received his master degree in 2017 in Computer Vision track.
Research Interest
- Machine Learning
- Robustness of Deep Learning
- Computer Vision
- GANs
- Simulation for Vision
Honors and Awards
During his studies, Abdullah received many awards. In 2014, he was the First Place Winner in Nassir Bin Hamad International Youth Creativity Award in Science. He was also from the top ten inventors in the Fifth Scientific Conference for Higher Education in Riyadh with the invention titled “Smart Dust Cleaner & Cooler for Solar PV Panels”. Abdullah is the founder and president of fihm.ai, a platform for AI Arabic content and AI education. He was ranked first among his graduating class in his Bachelor's degree and in his master's degree with GPAs of 3.97/4.00 and 4.0/4.0 respectively.
Education Profile
- M.S., Electrical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, 2017
- B.Sc., Electrical Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, 2016
Awards and Distinctions
- The Best Student Organization Award, Founder and President of KFUPM Innovation Club, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia, 2016
- 1st Place, Nassir Bin Hamad International Youth Creativity Award in Science, 2014
- Top 10 Inventors, The Invention "Smart Dust Cleaner & Cooler for solar PV panels", The Fifth Scientific Conference for Higher Education , Riyadh, 2014