
Alibek Sailanbayev is a Ph.D. candidate in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science at Visual Computing Center (VCC) in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), studying under the supervision of Professor Peter Richtarik in his research group.

Education and Early Career

Alibek obtained his bachelor degree Applied Mathematics from Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan. He joined KAUST in Fall 2017 and received his M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences in December 2018. He is now pursuing Ph.D. studies.

Alibek took a Summer Internship at Loria/Inria in Nancy, France in 2015. He also was an intern at IST Austria in 2016.

Research Interest

His research interest include optimization, machine learning and algorithms.

Honors and Awards

Alibek won a golden medal in the National Mathematical Olympiad in 2013 and 2012. He participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad and won a bronze medal in IMO 2012 and a silver medal in IMO 2013. He was awarded silver medals at the International Mathematical Competition for University Students (IMC 2014, 2015). In 2016, he was a Semifinalist of the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest in NEERC region.


Education Profile

  • M.S., Applied Mathematics, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia, 2018
  • ​B.Sc., Applied Mathematics, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan

Awards and Distinctions

  • ​Semifinalist of programming contest, ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, NEERC region, 2016
  • Silver Medal, International Mathematical Competition for University Students (IMC 2014, 2015)
  • Silver Medal, International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), 2013
  • Bronze Medal, International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), 2012
  • Gold Medal, National Mathematical Olympiad (2013, 2012 )


I have always loved mathematics and its power to describe the world around us.