Altynay Kaidarova
Altynay has pursued an academic career in Electrical Engineering in different countries, such as Kazakhstan, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Saudi Arabia. She considers herself a citizen of the world upholding scientific achievements, passion, inspiration, diversity, integrity, and openness.
In 2010 the student attained Bolashak International Scholarship which was awarded to high-performing students from Kazakhstan. She has then successfully completed the foundation at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and obtained a first honor degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering at the University of Liverpool in 2014. The student attained the University of Liverpool Vice-Chancellors International Attainment Award –PG for excellent academic performance, as well as the University of Liverpool BNFL Prize for research achievements during undergraduate studies.
In 2016 she has become as Research and Teaching Assistant at Nazarbayev University, where she strived to cultivate students’ curiosity and interest in learning while gaining a high level of flexibility and responsibility.
In 2017 Altynay obtained a Master's degree in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, where she was identified as an excellent representative of the EE program. She was designated by the IEEE Magnetics Society to lead the board of young professionals from all around the world, known as “Next Generation Magnesians Advisory Board,” where they promote the advancement of science, exchange information among its members and global industrial community. One of her research aims is to assess animals’ behavioral responses and contribute to animal conservation efforts using a flexible, lightweight, and minimally intrusive monitoring system.
Within one year of Ph.D., Altynay has published eight papers, had an oral presentation at eleven international conferences and four workshops. The student has contributed to patenting three inventions. Her research has been highlighted in Nature journal’s media channels, the cover page of Global Challenges journal, numerous worldwide scientific news websites, and paved the way to fruitful collaborations, such as with McLaren. She has demonstrated our developments to National Geographic during the international KAUST Sensor Initiative project.
Research conducted at KAUST has increased her motivation to learn and engage intellectually, creatively, emotionally, and socially. She appreciates new experiences and considers them as valuable learning opportunities. The student enjoys working in teams and mentoring students from all around the world.
Honors & Awards
- Cover Page on "Global Challanges"
- In the news - Advanced Science News, Nature Media, Science News, Physics News
- Best paper award - International Conference on Magnetism (ICM)
- Best paper award - MMM-Intermag conference
- “University of Liverpool Vice- Chancellors International Attainment Award -PG” for excellent academic performance at University of Liverpool
- “University of Liverpool BNFL Prize” for the best final year project in the field of Bioinformatics using machine learning techniques
- Bolashak International Scholarship of Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Kaidarova, M. T. Vijjapu, K. Telegenov, A. Przybysz, K. N. Salama, and J. Kosel. "Enhanced Graphene Sensors via Multi-lasing Fabrication." IEEE Sensors Journal (2021).
A. Kaidarova, W. Liu, L. Swanepoel, A. Almansouri, N.R. Geraldi, C M. Duarte, and J. Kosel. "Flexible Hall sensor made of laser-scribed graphene." Nature Partner Journal Flexible Electronics 5, no. 1 (2021): 1-7.
A. Kaidarova, and J. Kosel. "Physical Sensors Based on Laser-Induced Graphene: A Review." IEEE Sensors Journal(2020).
S. Rossbach, S. Overmans, A. Kaidarova, J. Kosel, S. Agusti, and C.M. Duarte. "Giant clams in shallow reefs: UV-resistance mechanisms of Tridacninae in the Red Sea." Coral Reefs, 39, no. 5 (2020): 1345-1360.
A. Kaidarova, N. Alsharif, B. Nicoly M. Oliveira, M.Marengo, N.R. Geraldi, C. M. Duarte, and J. Kosel. "Laser‐printed, flexible graphene pressure sensors." Global Challenges 4, no. 4 (2020): 2000001. On the Cover
A. S. Almansouri, N. A. Alsharif, M. A. Khan, L. Swanepoel, A. Kaidarova, K.N. Salama, and J. Kosel. "An imperceptible magnetic skin." Advanced Materials Technologies 4, no. 10 (2019): 1900493.
A. Kaidarova, M.A.Khan, M.Marengo, L.Swanepoel, A.Przybysz, C.Muller, A.Fahlman, U. Buttner, N.R. Geraldi, R.P Wilson, C.M Duarte and J.Kosel."Wearable multifunctional printed graphene sensors." Nature Partner JournalsFlexible Electronics, 3, no. 1 (2019): 1-10
M.A. Karimi, Q.Zhang, Y.H.Kuo, S. F.Shaikh, A. Kaidarova, N.Geraldi, M.Mustafa Hussain, J. Kosel, C. M. Duarte, and A. Shamim. "Flexible tag design for semi-continuous wireless data acquisition from marine animals." Flexible and Printed Electronics, 4, no. 3 (2019): 035006.
A. Kaidarova, M. Marengo, G.Marinaro, N. R. Geraldi, R. Wilson, C.M. Duarte, and J. Kosel. "Flexible, four-electrode conductivity cell for biologging applications." Results in Materials, 1 (2019): 100009.
L.Swanepoel, A. Kaidarova, A. Almansouri, M. A. Khan, J. H. Müller, and J. Kosel. "Ultra Low Power Sensor for 3-Phase Water-Cut Applications." IEEE Sensors Letters, 3, no. 3 (2019): 1-4.
A. Kaidarova, M. Marengo, G. Marinaro, N. Geraldi, C. M. Duarte, and J. Kosel. "Flexible and biofouling independent salinity sensor." Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5, no. 23 (2018): 1801110.
A. Kaidarova, M.A Khan, S.Amara, N. R. Geraldi, M.A Karimi, A.Shamim, R. P. Wilson, C. M. Duarte, and Jurgen Kosel. "Tunable, Flexible composite magnets for marine monitoring applications." Advanced Engineering Materials 20, no. 9 (2018): 1800229
I am a firm believer in learning by doing. Learning from KAUST's experts by osmosis and using available state-of-the-art facilities has been a real fortune for me.