Angelica Coronado Preciado
Research Interests
- Robotics
- Self-Assembly
- Control
- 3D Printing
- Modeling
Service Contributions
- Service to the Institution
Mentored a 12-grade student SRSI with project: Instrumentation of Tethered Underwater Robot for Coral Reef Monitoring (4th Place at international competition ISEF 2023 in the category Engineering Technologies: Statics and Dynamics), 2022 - 2023
Mentored the first place winning team (Five students from grades 8-9) at Space 2101 program, 2023
Writting of grant proposals, 2023 - present
- Service to the Discipline or Profession
Co-organized the KAUST Research Conference on Robotics and Autonomy 2023, 2022 - 2023
- Master of Science (M.S.)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, 2021
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Mechatronics Engineering, ULSA Noroeste, Mexico, 2016
- Spanish
- Native or bilingual proficiency
- English
- Full professional proficiency
Teacher Assistant (Fall 2021)
- Linear Control Systems Course
Costumer Solutions Consultant, FESTO Mexico, Queretaro, Mexico (2017)
- Worked closely with clients to customize automation solutions that addressed their business requirements.
- Collaborated within a team in planning, managing, and implementing automation projects using pneumatic, electropneumatic and PLC control systems
Project Engineer, Compañía Mexicana de Radiología, Queretaro, Mexico (2017)
- Studied and analyzed the basic structure and function of an x-ray machine
- Programmed the Graphical User Interface of an x-ray machine (C# language)
- ETH Robotics Symposium and Summer School, ETH University, Zurich, Switzerland, Summer 2022
- Visiting Student Research Program, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KSA, Spring 20219
- Summer Science Program, Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica “INAOE”, Mexico, Summer 2015
Selected Publications
- Caballero, R. ., Coronado, A. ., & Feron, E. . (2023). Role of Feedback in the Asymptotic Self-Repair Behavior of a 3D Printer. American Control Conference (ACC). Presented at the. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.23919/ACC55779.2023.10155847
- Caballero, R. ., Coronado, A. ., & Feron, E. . (2023). Computational Modeling in System with Non-Circular Timing Pulleys. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). Presented at the. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/ICRA48891.2023.10160802