Anwar Gasim
Anwar Gasim obtained a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering under the supervision of Professor Boon Ooi at Photonics Laboratory at King Abdullah University Of Science and Technology (KAUST). He completed his courses and worked on his thesis which was on the topic of solid-state lighting. With 20% of the energy produced worldwide being spent on lighting, it is not surprising that the conventional light sources that we use are inefficient. Switching to solid-state lighting, which is based on LEDs, could cut this figure by half. The most promising material for the development of inherent white LEDs is InGaN. Anwar focused on the development of an inherent white LED through the use of different InGaN nanostructures, such as nanowires, that possess unique and exciting properties. Anwar graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the University of Liverpool in July 2010. He received multiple attainment scholarships worth a total of £4500 during his time there. Additionally, in 2009, he won the David Inglis Dawbarn Award for being the "most distinguished" student in the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Department. For his final year project at the University of Liverpool, Anwar fabricated, characterized, and modeled Schottky diodes fabricated using three different organic semiconductors (PTAA, P3HT, TIPS), which were to be used for low-cost sensor circuits. Currently, Anwar is a Research Associate at KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia.
Master Thesis Title: Molecular Beam Epitaxy-Grown InGaN Nanowires and Nanomushrooms for Solid-State Lighting
Research Interests
Anwar's research interests included InGaN, Nanowires, Nanotubes, Novel materials for LEDs and solar cell applications, Organic semiconductors, and OLEDs.
Selected Publications
- A. Gasim, "The Benefits of Adopting Solid-State Lighting in Saudi Arabia," KAPSARC Research Paper, January 2013.
- A. Gasim, T. K. Ng, D. K. Cha, P. Bhattacharya, and B. S. Ooi, "Molecular Beam Epitaxy-Grown InGaN Nanomushrooms and Nanowires for White Light Source Applications," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) San Jose, CA, USA, May 2012.
Education Profile
- M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
- B.Eng. (First Class Honours), University of Liverpool.
Professional Memberships
- June 2012-Present.
- KAPSARC Position: Senior Research Analyst.
Awards and Distinctions
- $10,000 for the "Academic Excellence Award" at KAUST.
- £3000 for two attainment scholarships at the University of Liverpool.
- Final degree grade of 85.7% at the University of Liverpool—one of the highest in the class.
- "David Inglis Dawbarn Award" at the University of Liverpool for being the most distinguished student.