Aslihan Kartci
Education and Early Career
Dr. Aslihan Kartci received her Ph.D. degree in Electronics from the Brno University of Technology, the Czech Republic in 2019 and M.S. degree from Yildiz Technical University, Turkey, in 2015. She was with the Research and Development Center of Komax Wire, Turkey from 2012 to 2014, engaged in software development of production planning systems, server management, project management for functional test machines. She was awarded with “Travel Grant” from IEEE flagship conference on Circuits and Systems, namely ISCAS 2015. She was „Congress Publicity Chair” of the International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems (ICUMT) and „Publicity & Social Media Chair“ of the International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) between 2016-2020. She is a Student Activities Chair of IEEE Czechoslovakia Section and member of Young Professionals, IEEE CAS Society, IEEE Women in Engineering.
Professional profile
2020 – 2022 Postdoctoral Fellow, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia
2016 – 2019 Teaching & Research Assistant, Brno University of Technology, Brno, Czech Republic
Professional Memberships
- Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
- Topic Editor of MDPI / Fractal and Fractional
- Topic Editor of MDPI / Electronics
“My research focused on the import of concepts from fractional calculus into circuit theory especially in regards to their applications in analog signal processing, modelling materials i.e. biological tissues, energy storage devices, and their measurement.”