Cheng-Long Wang
Research Interests
Machine Unlearning
Cheng-Long Wang is currently a third-year Ph.D. student at Provable Responsible AI and Data Analytics (PRADA) Lab under the supervision of Professor Di Wang at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). His research is on machine unlearning, aiming to bridge the gap between personal/organizational data protection requirements and digital-world workflows.
Awards and Distinctions
- EPFL - SURI Fellowship, EPFL, 2024
- CEMSE Dean's List Award, KAUST, 2023
- USENIX Security '23 Student Grant, USENIX Association, 2023
Recent Works
- [USENIX] Inductive Graph Unlearning [Link]. Cheng-Long Wang★, Mengdi Huai, and Di Wang. The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX 2023)
- [VLDB] Communication Efficient and Provable Federated Unlearning [Link]. Youming Tao*, Cheng-Long Wang*★, Miao Pan, Dongxiao Yu, Xiuzhen Cheng, and Di Wang. To appear in VLDB'24
- [Arxiv] Towards Lifecycle Unlearning Commitment Management: Measuring Sample-level Approximate Unlearning Completeness [Link]. Cheng-Long Wang★, Qi Li, Zihang Xiang, Yinzhi Cao, Di Wang.