Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin
Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin obtained a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science under the co-supervision of Professor Xiangliang Zhang at Machine Intelligence and kNowledge Engineering (MINE) Laboratory and Professor Xin Gao at Structural and Functional Bioinformatics Group at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Currently, Ibrahim is working with IT Strategy and Technology Planning Department at Saudi Aramco.
Pursued his Ph.D. degree at MINE Lab from 2012 - 2017. Ibrahim obtained his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Stanford University.
Dissertation Title: Learning via Query Synthesis.
Current Position: Google Brain Team in Zurich (after two-year lead data engineer at Saudi Aramco).
Research Interests
Ibrahim's research interests included Data mining and machine learning.
Selected Publications
- I. Alabdulmohsin, X. Gao, X. Zhang, “Efficient Active Learning of Halfspaces via Query Synthesis”, in proceedings of the 29th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2015), Austin, Texas, 2015
- I. Alabdulmohsin, X. Gao, X. Zhang, “Support vector machines with indefinite kernels”, in proceedings of the Asian Conference on Machine Learning (ACML), Vietnam, 2014.
- I. Alabdulmohsin, X. Gao, X. Zhang, “Adding Robustness to Support Vector Machines Against Adversarial Reverse Engineering”, in proceedings of the 23rd ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Shanghai, China, 2014.
- I. Alabdulmohsin, “Interference in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Smart Antennas”, in proceedings of the International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), Cyprus, 2014.
- I. Alabdulmohsin, A. Hyadi, L. Afify, B. Shihada, “End-to-End Delay Analysis in Wireless Sensor Networks with Service Vacation”, in proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, 2014.
- I. Alabdulmohsin, "Techniques and algorithms for access control list optimization", Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, 35 (4), pp. 556-566 (2008)
- I. Alabdulmohsin, "Theorems and methods on partial functional iteration", in proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering (WCE), London, pp. 1028-1034, 2009.
Education Profile
M.S., Stanford University, CA, 2011 (GPA 4.15/4.0).
B.E., University of Nebraska, NE, 2005 (GPA 3.98/4.0).
Awards and Distinctions
- KAUST Provost Award, 2012.
- The Saudi Arabian Oil Company - Operation Services Business Line Recognition Award for "distinguished academic achievements" (senior VP), 2012.
- Recognition Award for "significant contributions to the success of the Communications Engineering Department, Information Technology, Saudi Aramco", 2009.
- Graduation with Highest Distinction from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2005.
- Finalist - Windows Embedded Student ChallengE contest: reached the final round with 29 other teams in a Microsoft senior project contest that included over 270 participating teams from all over the world.
- Superior Scholarship Award by the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2005.
- Outstanding Mathematical Talent Award, College Preparatory Program (CPP) -Saudi Aramco, for being the only student who solved all mathematical challenges posed by instructors throughput the 1-year program (1999).
- Saudi Arabian regional awards (Eastern Region) for "superior academic excellence" throughout the years 1993-1999.
- Prince Muhammed Ben Fahad Best Student Award in the Eastern Region - Saudi Arabia (ranked 1st), 1993.