Mohammed Ahmed
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow (former), Information Science Lab
post-doctoral fellow at L'École de technologie supérieure (ETS) de Montréal (Mtl) where he started on February 2014. he works with Prof. Georges Kaddoum.
Research Interests
• Statistical signal processing
• Wireless communications
• Wireless sensor networks
• Internet of things
• Cloud computing
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Electrical Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada, 2011
- Master of Science (M.S.)
- Electrical Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt, 2004
- Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- Electrical Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt, 2001
Selected Publications
- Ahmed, M. F. A., & Vorobyov, S. A. (2009). Collaborative beamforming for wireless sensor networks with Gaussian distributed sensor nodes.
- Kaddoum, G. ., Ahmed, M. F. A., & Nijsure, Y. . (2014). Code Index Modulation: A High Data Rate and Energy Efficient Communication System.