Najmeddine Dhieb
Najmeddine Dhieb received the Diplôme d’Ingénieur in Telecommunication Engineering—with honors— the École Supérieure des Communications de Tunis (SUP’COM), Tunisia, in 2019. That same year, he worked as a Research Assistant at the Smart City Lab within the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Currently, Najmeddine contributes his expertise as a Research Engineer at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, after serving as a Senior Data Scientist at Bdeo Technologies S.L. in Madrid, Spain. His work focuses on the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Internet-of-Things, Edge-Computing, and Blockchain, where he develops practical solutions for emerging digital challenges.
Research Interests
Najmeddine's research focuses on the following areas:
- Artificial intelligence
- Data science
- Computer vision
- Edge computing
- Blockchain
- Diploma (Dipl.-Ing.-M.Eng.)
- Telecommunications, Higher School of Telecommunications of Tunis (SUP’COM), Tunisia, 2019
- English
- Full professional proficiency
- French
- Full professional proficiency
- French
- Full professional proficiency
- Spanish
- Professional working proficiency