Omar Alkhazragi
Omar Alkhazragi received the degree of Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2018 from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, and a master’s degree in electrophysics in 2019 from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
He is now an electrophysics Ph.D. student in the Photonics Laboratory at KAUST. The primary focus of his research is on optoelectronic devices fabrication and applications, including optical and quantum communication.
Research Interests
Photonics and optoelectronics
Semiconductor lasers
Optical wireless communications
Selected Publications
O. Alkhazragi, M. Dong, L. Chen, D. Liang, T. K. Ng, J. Zhang, H. Bagci, and B. S. Ooi, "Modifying the coherence of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers using chaotic cavities," Optica 10, 191-199 (2023).
O. Alkhazragi, C. H. Kang, M. Kong, G. Liu, C. Lee, K.-H. Li, H. Zhang, J. M. Wagstaff, F. Alhawaj, T. K. Ng, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, S. P. DenBaars, and B. S. Ooi, "7.4-Gbit/s Visible-Light Communication Utilizing Wavelength-Selective Semipolar Micro-Photodetector," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32(13), 767-770 (2020).
O. Alkhazragi, F. Hu, P. Zou, Y. Ha, C. H. Kang, Y. Mao, T. K. Ng, N. Chi, and B. S. Ooi, "Gbit/s ultraviolet-C diffuse-line-of-sight communication based on probabilistically shaped DMT and diversity reception," Optics Express, 28(7), 9111-9122 (2020).
O. Alkhazragi, A. Trichili, I. Ashry, T. K. Ng, M.-S. Alouini, and B. S. Ooi, "Wide-field-of-view optical detectors using fused fiber-optic tapers," Optics Letters 46, 1916-1919 (2021).
O. Alkhazragi, X. Sun, V. Zuba, E.-M. Amhoud, H. Oubei, T. K. Ng, B. Jones, M.-S. Alouini, and B. S. Ooi, "Spectrally resolved characterization of thermally induced underwater turbulence using a broadband white-light interrogator," IEEE Photonics Journal, 11(5) Art. No. 7905609 (2019).
O. Alkhazragi, J.A. Holguín-Lerma, T.K. Ng and B.S. Ooi, "Visible-Light Laser Diodes and Superluminescent Diodes: Characteristics and Applications," In digital Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA (Ed.) (2021).
O. Alkhazragi, M. Dong, L. Chen, D. Liang, T. K. Ng, J. Zhang, H. Bagci, and B. S. Ooi, "Chaotic-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers for Optical Wireless Communication," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2023, paper W3I.5 (2023).
O. Alkhazragi, F. Hu, P. Zou, Y. Ha, Y. Mao, T. K. Ng, N. Chi, and B. S. Ooi, "2.4-Gbps Ultraviolet-C Solar-Blind Communication Based on Probabilistically Shaped DMT Modulation," in Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2020, paper M3I.5 (2020).
M. Kong, C. H. Kang, O. Alkhazragi, X. Sun, Y. Guo, M. Sait, J. A. Holguin-Lerma, T. K. Ng, and B. S.Ooi,“A survey on energy-autonomous solar cell receivers toward application in satellite-air-ground-ocean communication,” Progress in Quantum Electronics, p. 100300 (2020).
J. A. Holguin-Lerma, M. Kong, O. Alkhazragi, X. Sun, T. K. Ng, and B. S. Ooi, "480-nm distributed-feedback InGaN laser diode for 10.5-Gbit/s visible-light communication," Optics Letters 45, 742-745 (2020).
C. H. Kang, G. Liu, C. Lee, O. Alkhazragi, J. M. Wagstaff, K.-H. Li, F. Alhawaj, T. K. Ng, J. S. Speck, S. Nakamura, S. P. Denbaars, and B. S. Ooi, "Semipolar (2021) InGaN/GaN micro-photodetector for gigabit-per-second visible light communication," Applied Physics Express (2019).
M. H. M. Shamim, O. Alkhazragi, T. K. Ng, B. S. Ooi, and M. Z. M. Khan, "Tunable Dual-Wavelength Self-injection Locked InGaN/GaN Green Laser Diode," IEEE Access (2019).
Education Profile
M.S./Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, January 2018 - Present.
B.S. in Electrical Engineering at KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, January 2014 - January 2018.
Professional Memberships
Teaching assistant, Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, KAUST, (9/2020 - 12/2020).
Visiting Research Assistant, Key Laboratory for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves, Fudan University, (September 2019).
Research intern, Photonics Laboratory, KAUST, (7-2017 - 8-2017).
Teaching assistant, Communications Laboratory, KFUPM, (2/2017 - 6/2017).
Awards and Distinctions
Qiyas Excellence Award for Scientific Distinction.
KFUPM Physics Olympiad - 1st place.