Paulo Esteves-Verissimo
- Professor (former), Computer Science
- Principal Investigator (former), Cyber Resilience Research Group
An accomplished computer scientist, Professor Esteves-Veríssimo, has achieved world-class results in resilient computing, cybersecurity and dependability.
Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo is a professor in the Computer Science (CS) program at KAUST. Previously, he was a professor and FNR PEARL Chair at the University of Luxembourg's (Uni.lu) Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM). He also led the CritiX Research Lab at the SnT Centre at Uni.lu, which achieved world-class results and established enduring research capacity in resilient computing, cybersecurity, and dependability.
He has also been a professor and a board member of the University of Lisbon (ULisboa), Portugal. At ULisboa, he created the Navigators research group and was the founding director of Laboratório de Sistemas Informáticos de Grande Escala (LaSIGE). From its founding in 1998, the computer science and engineering lab LaSIGE has carried out research in leading-edge areas backed by key indicators of excellence.
He was UNILU-SnT’s representative at the European Cyber Security Organization (ESCO) and member of its Scientific & Technical Committee (STC). He served as Chair of the IFIP WG 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault-Tolerance and vice-chair of the Steering Committee of the IEEE/IFIP DSN conference. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the ACM and an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing (TETC).
Research Interests
Professor Esteves-Veríssimo is interested in architectures, middleware and algorithms for resilient modular and distributed computing. In addition to examining paradigms and techniques that reconcile security and dependability, he also explores novel applications of these paradigms and techniques. By doing so, he achieves system resilience in areas such as autonomous vehicles, distributed control systems, digital health and genomics, and blockchain and cryptocurrency.
Dr. Esteves-Veríssimo’s research has featured in over 200 peer-reviewed international publications and five international books. He has delivered over 70 keynote speeches and distinguished lectures at reputable venues. As a systems and engineering specialist, he has contributed to designing and engineering several advanced industrial prototypes of distributed, fault-tolerant, secure or real-time systems developed through research and development.
- PhD (Dr. rer. nat.)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1990
- Master
- Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1984
- Licentiate (Lic.)
- Electrical Engineering, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 1978
I firmly believe that Resilient Computing in general will be a game changer in the craft of designing computer systems of today and future. Having been part of one of the teams that pioneered intrusion tolerance and resilient computing, I am absolutely convinced of the power of this paradigm. The threat surface presented to computer and network systems became too uncertain, dynamic and polymorphic to be addressed in a static way by aprioristic design techniques, and/or by isolated disciplines such as security or dependability. Teams, organisations, companies, nation-states mastering this paradigm will be at the forefront of cyberspace technology. As such, it will be at the centre of my vision and the inspiration for the research I propose to foster in RC3@KAUST.
Selected Publications
- Jiangshan Yu, David Kozhaya, Jérémie Decouchant, Paulo Esteves-Veríssimo. RepuCoin: Your Reputation is Your Power (2019). In IEEE Trans. on Computers, 68(8), 1225-1237.
- Kreutz, Diego; Ramos, F. M. V.; Verissimo, Paulo; Rothenberg, C. E.; Azodolmolky, S.; Uhlig, S. “Software-Defined Networking: A Comprehensive Survey”, in Proceedings of the IEEE (2015), 103(1), 14-76.
- Giuliana Veronese, Miguel Correia, Alysson Bessani, Lau Lung, Paulo Verissimo, “Efficient Byzantine Fault-Tolerance”, IEEE Tacs. on Computers, vol. 62, no. 1, Jan. 2013.
- Paulo Sousa, Alysson Bessani, Miguel Correia, Nuno Ferreira Neves, Paulo Veríssimo. Highly Available Intrusion-Tolerant Services with Proactive-Reactive Recovery. IEEE Tacs. on Parallel and Distributed Systems. Apr. 2010.
- Veríssimo, P., Casimiro, A.: The timely computing base model and architecture. IEEE Tacs. on Computers, Special Issue on Asynchronous Real-Time Distr. Systems (2002).
- D. Powell, D. Seaton, G. Bonn, P. Veríssimo, and F. Waeselynk. The Delta-4 approach to dependability in open distributed computing systems. In N. Suri, C. Walter, and M. Hugue, editors, Adv. in Ultra-Dependable Distr. Sys. IEEE Computer Society, 1995.
Research Achievements
Selected Keynotes
- 'Space, meet Cyberspace!': on the Safety-Security gap in Spacecrafts, Talk at GOVSATCOM conference for EU Defence and Security, Luxembourg-LU, February 2020.
- Distinguished Lecture, What do Resilient Computing and Digital Health have in common?, Dean’s Seminar Series at Monash University, Melbourne-AUS, December 2019.
- Keynote Speech. Blockchain Resilience: when System Dependability meets Data Security or...vice-versa, Distinguished Seminar, IC Colloquium Series EPFL, Lausanne-CH, September 2019 and KAUST CEMSE Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series, Thuwal-KSA, October 2019.
- Making Safety-Critical Systems withstand Attacks Automatically. ICRI-CARS, Intel CRI for Collaborative Autonomous & Resilient Systems. Annual Workshop – Intel. Hillsboro-US, May 2018