Wanfang Chen
Wanfang Chen obtained a Ph.D. degree in Statistics from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), under the supervision of Professor Marc Genton at the "spatio-temporal statistics and data science" research group.
Education and Early Career
Wanfang Chen obtained her Bachelor Degree of Science in Mathematics at Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) in China in 2013. She obtained her Master Degree of Science in Econometrics at Xiamen University in China in 2016. She joined the Ph.D. program in Statistics at KAUST in 2016.
Research Interest
Spatio-temporal statistics, wind energy, spatial extremes.
Awards and Distinctions
- 2016: Outstanding Graduate of Xiamen
- 2010, 2012 and 2014: National Scholarship (awarded to top 1% students)
- 2013: Outstanding Graduate of Beijing
- 2010 and 2011: Second Prize in the China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling (CUMCM)
Facing the increasing energy demand from societal development, Saudi Arabia is trying to change its long tradition of relying on fossil fuels and seek renewable energy sources such as wind power. At KAUST, I am developing spatio-temporal statistical models for wind energy assessment and wind speed extremes in Saudi Arabia.