Wenwen Chen
Wenwen Chen is currently an international visiting student at Photonics Laboratory in the Division of Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering (CENSE) at King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST). She is pursuing a Ph. D degree at Xidian University. She obtained Bachelor's Degree in telecommunications engineering at Xidian University, in 2018. Her current research focuses on underwater wireless optical communications (UWOC) and underwater optical channel modeling
Research Interests:
underwater wireless optical communications (UWOC) and underwater optical channel modeling
Selected Publications
1. Wenwen Chen, Ping Wang, Wei Wang, Weina Pang, Ang Li, Lixin Guo, "Impact of temperature gradients on average bit error rate performance of low-density parity-check-coded multihop underwater wireless optical communication systems over the generalized gamma distribution," Opt. Eng. 59(1) 016114 ( 2020).
2. Weina Pang, Wenwen Chen, Yatong Song, Ganggang Li, Ping Wang, Mengyi Duan, Shuang Li, “Performance analysis for multi-hop FSO communication system over M distribution with pointing errors,” 2021 IEEE 19th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN)
3. Zhengxing Zou, Ping Wang, Wenwen Chen, Ang Li, Hongxin Tian, and Lixin Guo, "Average capacity of a UWOC system with partially coherent Gaussian beams propagating in weak oceanic turbulence," J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 36, 1463-1474 (2019)
4. Ang Li, Ping Wang, Weina Pang, Wenwen Chen, Sheng Liu, and Lixin Guo, "ABER performance investigation of LDPC-coded multi-hop parallel underwater wireless optical communication system," Appl. Opt. 59, 1353-1362 (2020)
2018-Present PhD Information and Communication Engineering, Xidian University, China
2014-2018 BSc. Telecommunications Engineering, Xidian University, China
Professional Profile
9/2020-12/2020, Teaching assistant for Semiconductor Electronics, Xidian University
9/2019-12/2019, Teaching assistant for Analogue Electronics, Xidian University