Jose Efrain Perez, a Ph.D. student based in the University's Sensing, Magnetism and Microsystems Laboratory, won the Magnetism as Art Showcase People's Choice Award at the 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) 2017 for his artwork entitled "Magnetic Nanobeacon." Efrai­n Perez, who is supervised by Professor Jurgen Kosel, won the award at the MMM's annual showcase which was held in Pittsburgh from November 6 to 10, 2017. His colleague Zahra Albu presented and accepted the award on his behalf.
Professor Xiaohang Li's Visiting Student Research Internship Program (VSRP) intern, Muwei Zhang has recently published his first-author paper "Structural and electronic properties of wurtzite BxAl1_xN from first-principles calculations" on the Physica Status Solidi (b) Journal.
At King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), a team of researchers developed what might be the effective solution to the problem: the thinnest solar cells with lateral geometry offering high optoelectronic performances while reducing production costs of extended photovoltaic architecture.  The research was recently published in Advanced Material and reported by Nature Middle East.