Laura Felix has obtained  M.S degree  in Chemical and Biological Engineering
at King Abdullah Univerisity of Science and Technology under supervision of Prof. Jurgen Kosel.

She is currently working as Refinery Planning Engineer at ARAMCO, Saudi Arabia.

Selected Publications:

Felix LP, Perez JE, Contreras MF, Ravasi T, Kosel J. Cytotoxic effects of nickel nanowires in human fibroblasts. Toxicology reports. 2016 Jan 1;3:373-80.

Perez, J.E., Contreras, M.F., Vilanova, E., Felix, L.P., Margineanu, M.B., Luongo, G., Porter, A.E., Dunlop, I.E., Ravasi, T. and Kosel, J., 2016. Cytotoxicity and intracellular dissolution of nickel nanowires. Nanotoxicology10(7), pp.871-880.