Zahra Albu obtained a Master's degree in Sensing, Magnetism and Microsystems (SMM) research group under the supervision of Prof. Jurgen Kosel at KAUST.

Selected Publications:

“Magnetic nanowires corrosion sensor” Selma Amara, Zahra Albu Yousof Mashraei and Jürgen Kosel for (presented at a conference for magnetic and magnetic material MMM 2017, Pittsburgh, US).

 “Silicon nanoparticle synthesis via colloidal grinding for thin-film applications Pacific Centre for Advanced Materials and Microstructures Meeting (PCAMM) in UBC, Vancouver BC, Canada, December 7, 2013.

Education Profile

​M.S Electrophysics King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 2017.
M. ASc in Electrical Engineering, University of Victoria, Victoria BC, Canada 2014.
B.S physics University of Dammam, Dammam, Saudi Arabia, 2005.

Awards and Distinctions

​Recipient. King Abdullah Foreign Study Scholarship, 2009.
Class Rank Recognition, University of Dammam, 2004 & 2005 .