Successful Completion of the Stochastic Numerics Workshop 2024 at KAUST

We are delighted to announce the successful completion of the Stochastic Numerics and Statistical Learning: Theory and Applications Workshop 2024, held at KAUST from May 19 to May 31. This event brought together leading experts, researchers, and students to explore the latest advancements and applications in stochastic numerics.
The workshop, organized by the KAUST Stochastic Numerics Research Group, focused on the rigorous numerical analysis of stochastic algorithms, addressing critical problems in statistical learning, optimization, and approximation. These algorithms are essential in tackling complex computational challenges across various fields.

The workshop also featured two engaging minicourses: "Quantum Computing for Finance" by Prof. Antoine Jacquier and "Scaling Limits of Random Neural Networks" by Prof. Cris Salvi. These minicourses gave participants a deeper understanding of emerging quantum computing, quantitative finance, and neural network approximation theory with connections to signatures and rough path topics.
Participants benefited from dynamic poster sessions held on May 20 and 27, where they could present their research, receive feedback, and engage in discussions with international experts. These sessions fostered collaboration and highlighted the diverse research efforts within the community.
The workshop included collaborative discussions, laying the groundwork for future research and potential partnerships. The event's success underscores KAUST's commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering innovation in stochastic numerics and related fields.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to all speakers, participants, and the team of organizers for their contributions to this enriching and inspiring event. We look forward to the continued growth and success of the KAUST Stochastic Numerics Research Group and the exciting opportunities that lie ahead.
For more information about our research and upcoming events, please visit KAUST Stochastic Numerics Group.
Stay tuned for future updates and events as we push the boundaries of research and innovation in stochastic numerics and beyond.

Talks, mini-courses, and many poster presentations can be accessed through our YouTube channel: SNSL Workshop.