Mohammed Zidan awarded IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
Mohammed Affan Zidan, sensors lab member and Ph.D. candidate in the Electrical Engineering (EE) Program at the Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE) Division, received the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society Pre-Doctoral Fellowship.
Mohammed Affan Zidan, sensors lab member and Ph.D. candidate in the Electrical Engineering (EE) Program at the Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Science and Engineering (CEMSE) Division, received the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. The CAS society offers annually two Pre-Doctoral Fellowships worldwide to recognize a young member enrolled in a Ph.D. program in a field related to the Circuits and Systems Society field of interest. The winner of the award receives a paid travel to the IEEE ISCAS conference to receive the award: US $ 25k (a stipend of US $ 15k, tuition and fees up to a maximum of US $8 k, and a grant of US $ 2k to the department in which the recipient is registered).
Mohammed Zidan earned his M.Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt in 2010, where he was ranked first. In 2006, he received his B.Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineering, Institute of Aviation Engineering and Technology (IAET), Egypt, also ranking first. Before joining KAUST, he worked as a teaching assistant at the German University in Cairo (GUC), Egypt, and at the IAET. His research interests are memristor, memory, chaotic systems, ray-tracing, and computer arithmetic. Mohammed has 16 publications and few pending patents, which are cited more than 150 times. He is currently serving as a member of the working groups formulating the future IEEE Standards P1788 and P1680.4.