CEMSE Welcomes new Professor: Dr. Hossein Fariborzi
The CEMSE Division has recently welcomed a new Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Hossein Fariborzi. Prof. Fariborzi joins from Oracle/Sun Microsystems labs where he was a member of technical staff.
The CEMSE Division has recently welcomed a new Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, Dr. Hossein Fariborzi. Prof. Fariborzi joins from Oracle/Sun Microsystems labs where he was a member of technical staff, He is the winner of multiple distinguished academic awards, including IEEE ISSCC best paper award for technology direction (2010) and ISSCC/SRP best student research award (2013). He has been at KAUST since the 15th of June this year.
What are your research interests?
My research interests include design, modeling, and optimization of ultra-low-power integrated circuits and systems (mixed-signal/digital), implemented with emerging switching technologies. In particular, I am interested in a fusion of the mainstream switching devices (CMOS) and a range of novel solutions, such as MEMS-based micro and nanorelays. He's also exploring the application of such devices and systems in the field of biomedical instrumentation and wireless, wearable healthcare.