KAUST's Professor Xiaohang Li wins the Manasevit Young Investigator Award 2018
KAUST's Professor Xiaohang Li, Lead of the Advanced Semiconductor Research Group and assistant professor of electrical engineering at CEMSE Division, won the biennial 2018 Harold M. Manasevit Young Investigator Award for his significant and innovative contributions in the MOCVD growth of state-of-the-art deep UV lasers, B-III-N alloys, III-oxides, and blue and green emitters.
By Francesca Serra
KAUST's Professor Xiaohang Li, Lead of the Advanced Semiconductor Research Group and assistant professor of electrical engineering at CEMSE Division, won the biennial 2018 Harold M. Manasevit Young Investigator Award for his significant and innovative contributions in the MOCVD growth of state-of-the-art deep UV lasers, B-III-N alloys, III-oxides, and blue and green emitters.
The award was initiated in 2012 in honor of Dr. Manasevit for his groundbreaking work in III V, II VI, and IV VI compound semiconductors, and is sponsored by the American Association of Crystal Growth (AACG) in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Metalorganic Vapor Epitaxy (ICMOVPE XIX).
Professor Li will receive the honor in June 2018 at the ICMOVPE XIX, Nara, Japan. During the event, Li will present an overview of his works on MOCVD followed by the awarding ceremony.
Li has extensive research experience in the field of III-nitride and III-oxide wide-bandgap semiconductors, also known as the third-generation semiconductors that are bringing revolutionary impacts on the optoelectronic and electronic industries.
Prior to becoming a faculty at KAUST, Li has conducted cutting-edge research projects at Georgia Institute of Technology and Lehigh University, USA.