KAUST students win top honors at ICM 2018
KAUST Ph.D. students Abdullah S. Almansouri and Hanan Mohammed recently won top honors at the 21st International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2018), which took place in San Francisco, U.S., from July 15 to 20. Almansouri won the Best Poster Award, while Mohammed won the People's Choice Award in the Magnetism as Art Showcase. The ICM is an international conference series attracting more than 2,000 global attendees, and it continues with a series of meetings that are held every three years around the world.
KAUST Ph.D. students Abdullah S. Almansouri and Hanan Mohammed recently won top honors at the 21st International Conference on Magnetism (ICM 2018), which took place in San Francisco, U.S., from July 15 to 20. Almansouri won the Best Poster Award, while Mohammed won the People's Choice Award in the Magnetism as Art Showcase. The ICM is an international conference series attracting more than 2,000 global attendees, and it continues with a series of meetings that are held every three years around the world.
Both students—who are working under the supervision of Associate Professor Jürgen Kosel in the Sensing, Magnetism and Microsystems (SMM) research group—were extremely proud to win such prestigious awards at an event featuring some of the top global magnetism researchers.
"The ICM is a major conference in the field of magnetism. Winning the best poster award at such a significant conference reveals the importance of our work and its potential of helping the humanity," Almansouri said. "Such a prize motivates the team to work harder until we realize a complete and functional product," he added.
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