Aditya Prabaswara's Ph.D. Dissertation Defense
Study of III-nitride Nanowire Growth and Devices on Unconventional Substrates
II-Nitride materials, which consist of AlN, GaN, InN, and their alloys have become the cornerstone of the third generation compound semiconductor. Planar III-Nitride materials are commonly grown on sapphire substrates which impose several limitations such as challenging scalability, rigid substrate, and thermal and lattice mismatch between substrate and material. Semiconductor nanowires can help circumvent this problem because of their inherent capability to relieve strain and grow threading dislocation-free without strict lattice matching requirements, enabling growth on unconventional substrates.
This thesis aims to investigate the microscopic characteristics of the nanowires and expand on the possibility of using transparent amorphous substrate for III-nitride nanowire devices. In this work, we performed material growth, characterization, and device fabrication of III-nitride nanowires grown using molecular beam epitaxy on unconventional substrates including silicon substrates and fused silica substrates. We also investigated the effect of various nucleation layers on the morphology and quality of the nanowires.
Brief Biography
Aditya Prabaswara received his bachelor's degree in Telecommunication Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia in 2011 and his Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea in 2014. He joined Prof. Boon Ooi’s group in 2014 under KAUST’s CEMSE department for his Ph.D. His main research topic involves the growth, characterization, and device fabrication of III-nitride nanowire for optoelectronic applications.