2017 Hernando Ombao, Mid-Career Award for Research Excellence, UC Irvine School of Information and Computer Sciences 
2016 Hernando Ombao elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association

Student Awards 

PhD student Dustin Pluta (Statistics, UC Irvine) was awarded by the American Statistical Association for his paper Adaptive Mantel Test for Penalized Inference, with Applications to Imaging Genetics.
PhD student Dustin Pluta (Statistics, UC Irvine) was awarded by the ENAR International Biometrics Society for his paper Adaptive Mantel Test for Penalized Inference, with Applications to Imaging Genetics .
PhD student Cheng-Han Yu (Statistics, UC Santa Cruz) was awarded by the American Statistical Association for his paper A Bayesian Variable Selection Approach Yield Improved Brain Activation From Complex-Valued fMRI , which has been recently accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Statistical Association. 
PhD student Maricela Cruz (Statistics, UC Irvine) was awarded by the American Statistcal Association for paper Robust Interrupted Time Series Models for Analyzing Complex Healthcare Interventions which will appear in Statistics in Medicine. 
PhD student Yuxiao Wang (Statistics, UC Irvine) won the Distinguished Student Paper Award in ENAR for his paper entitled Exploratory Methods for High Dimensional Time Series with Applications to Brain Signals.   
PhD student Xu Gao was given the Distinguished Student Paper Award in ENAR and the American Statistical Association for his paper Evolutionary State-Space Models With Applications to Time-Frequency Analysis of Local Field Potentials . His paper was presented in Washington DC for ENAR and Baltimore for the Joint Statistical Meetings. 
PhD student Kyle Conniff (Statistics, UC Irvine) was awarded the National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program. He is the second student in the group to have received this prestigious award. 
PhD Duy Ngo (Statistics, UC Irvine) was selected to receive the Distinguished Student Paper Award. His paper, An Exploratory Data Analysis of Electroencephalograms Using the Functional Boxplots Approach was published in Frontiers in Neuroscience:  Brain Imaging Methods. He was mentored by Professors Ombao, Sun and Genton for this paper.
PhD student Maricela Cruz (Statistics, UC Irvine) was awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program. Only 12 Statistics and Biostatistics students from across all programs in the US received the award. 
PhD student Yuan Wang (Biostatistics, U Wisconsin) won the Distinguished Student Paper Award in ENAR for her paper Persistence Landscape with Application to Epileptic Seizure Encephalogram Data. This paper is being revised for the Annals of Applied Statistics. Yuan is primarily advised by Professor Moo Chung and is co-mentored by Professor Ombao for this paper. 
PhD student Hakmook Kang (Biostatistics, Brown University) won the John van Ryzin Award in 2011 for his paper Spatio-Spectral Mixed Effects Model for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data . His paper was presented at ENAR in 2011 and was published in the Journal of the American Statistical Association. 
PhD student Devin Koestler (Biostatistics, Brown University) won the Distinguished Student Paper Award in ENAR. He presented his paper entitled Ensemble-based methods for forecasting census in hospital units which appeared in BMC Medical Research Methodology. 
PhD student Mark Fiecas (Biostatistics, Brown University) was given the Distinguished Student Paper Award in the New England Symposium on Statistics.  His paper, entitled The Generalized Shrinkage Estimator for the Analysis of Functional Connectivity of Brain Signals , appeared in the Annals of Applied Statistics.