At KAUST, an inclusive multicultural environment and state-of-the-art facilities provide an avenue for advanced studies in a variety of scientific disciplines. My visit to the Biostatistics Group build my skill set and understanding of synergetic research applications between neuroscience and statistics.

Education and Early Career

  • Ph.D. in Modeling & Simulation, University of Central Florida
  • M.S. in Modeling & Simulation, University of Central Florida
  • B.S. in Psychology, University of Florida

Research Interest

Cintya's interests lie in the intersection of clinical translational research and brain signal processing methods. Her work involves computational neuroscience models of attention, integrated technologies for human-computer interaction, and neuroimaging techniques. She hopes to translate these into data science approaches that can inform the prognosis of medical conditions and improve individualized patient treatments.


  • ORC Doctoral Fellowship, Fall 2016 - Summer 2019, selected by the College of Graduate Studies and the Office of Research and Commercialization, University of Central Florida.

  • Presentation Travel Fellowships, Summer 2017, Fall 2017, University of Central Florida.

  • Dean’s List, Fall 2013 - Spring 2014, University of Florida.

Selected Publications

Inter-hemispheric Asymmetry Patterns in the ADHD Brain: A Neuroimaging Replication Study, CN Dutta, L Christov-Moore, A Anderson, Z Koch, P Kaur, F Vasheghani-Farahani, PK Douglas, 15th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM), 2019.
Agent Transparency and the Autonomous Squad Member, AR Selkowitz, SG Lakhmani, CN Larios, JYC Chen, in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Eronomics Society An- nual Meeting, Vol 60, Issue 1, 1319-1323, 2016. Technical report
Hemispheric Brain Asymmetry Differences in Youths with Attention – Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, PK Douglas, B Gutman, A Anderson, C Larios, KE Lawrence, K Narr, B Sengupta, G Cooray, DB Douglas, PM Thompson, JJ McGough, & SY Bookheimer, in NeuroImage: Clinical, 2018. Agent Transparency and the Autonomous Squad Member, AR Selkowitz, SG Lakhmani, CN Larios, JYC Chen, in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Vol 60, Issue 1, 1319-1323, 2016.
Structural Brain Asymmetries in Youths with Combined and Inattentive Presentations of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, CN Dutta, PK Douglas, H Ombao. Preprint available.
Structural Brain Asymmetries in Neurodevelopment and Neurocognitive Performance from Youths with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, CN Dutta, H Ombao. Preprint available.